Mystery Science by Discovery Education
Mystery Science is a unique, standards-aligned science curriculum for grades K-5 designed to help students stay curious! Mystery Guides lead engaging, open-and-go lessons with step-by-step, hands-on activities that explore scientific phenomena using common classroom items.

Hands-on Science Made Easy
- Standards-Alignment Guides for All States
- Engaging Investigations
- Phenomena Driven
- Written & 3D Assessments

Best Science Instructional Solution
Explore Our Lessons
Dive Deeper with the Anchor Layer
The Anchor Layer gets kids excited to make more real-world connections throughout a science unit.

A Mysterious Unit Hook
The Anchor Phenomenon introduces students to a mysterious real-world occurrence. Students develop an explanation for it before any instruction takes place.

Lesson Tie-Ins to the Mystery
Anchor Connections follow each unit lesson. Students apply what they learned to each lesson to revise their initial explanations of the anchor phenomenon.

A Project-Based Activity
The Performance Task is a culminating activity to wrap up the whole unit. Kids apply everything they learned from the unit’s lessons to a new and fun project.
Standards Alignment
Mystery Science is designed for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). We cover key performance expectations for K-5 science.
Not in an NGSS state? No worries. Weβve created state-specific alignments, too! Download your state alignment for Mystery Science by selecting your state.
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Other Discovery Education Science Solutions
Explore our core and supplemental science curriculum resources to use in harmony with Mystery Science and create an engaging learning experience that gets students curious!