School & District Communication
Welcome to Discovery Education’s Communication Resources
Whether you are brand new to Discovery Education or have been with us for a while, this page will help you share DE resources, strategies, features, and professional learning opportunities to support your teachers and engage students daily.
I Am A:
District Leaders, Welcome to Discovery Education.
Here you’ll find the best resources to get started with Discovery Education products in your district. Use these resources to support the successful launch of DE.
Technical and Implementation Lead Communication Resources
Access shareable resources and best practices to guide you through the initial steps of your implementation. If you are unsure how your school or district logs in, reach out to our Education Support team:
For SSO and LMS integration support, see the DE Help Center.
School Community Communication Resources
Access customizable resources to announce your partnership with Discovery Education to your school community.
Login Flyers
Download and customize our administrator, educator, and student login flyers, available in multiple languages.
Science Techbook Communication Templates
Educator login flyers and parent letter to announce Science Techbook in your district.
Social Studies Techbook Communication Templates
Educator login flyers and parent letter to announce Social Studies Techbook in your district.
Math Techbook Communication Templates
Educator login flyers and parent letter to announce Math Techbook in your district.
Teacher Communication Resources
Use these resources in newsletters, staff emails, and social media to engage teachers with useful tips, content ideas, and instructional strategies.
Featured Resources
Summer Newsletter
Find new DE resources for exciting summer learning!
May Newsletter
Make May learning exciting with new DE resources!
12 Days of VFTs
From playing with polar bears, to visiting a genomics lab, Virtual Field Trips ignite exploration.
Family Resources
Explore how to share DE at home with families.
30 Ways to DE
Share this flyer with teachers and challenge them to explore 30 ways they can use DE in their classroom!
Substitute Teacher Toolkit (Experience)
Share this toolkit with your substitute teachers to support them in engaging students with DE resources.
Substitute Teacher Toolkit
Share this toolkit with your substitute teachers to support them in engaging students with DE resources.
Subject-Specific Content
DE resources to support science instruction.
Social Studies
DE resources to support social studies instruction.
DE resources to support math instruction.
English/Language Arts
DE resources to support ELA instruction.
Health & Physical Education
DE resources to support health and physical education instruction.
Visual & Performing Arts
DE resources to support visual & performing arts instruction.
Grade-Specific Content
Engaging instructional strategies for K-5 grade students.
Engaging instructional strategies for 6-12 grade students.
Hot Topics
English Language Learners
Learn how DE resources and features support English Language Learners.
Differentiated Learning
Find resources to support differentiation in the classroom.
More Hot Topics
Explore how DE supports other trending topics in education.
Professional Development
Encourage product usage and growth through Discovery Education Professional Learning opportunities.
Professional Learning Flyer
Learn more about Professional Learning and how to provide it to your teachers.
Professional Learning Catalog
Explore available professional learning opportunities.
Contact Sales Team
Interested in finding out more about professional learning opportunities?
School Leaders, Welcome to Discovery Education.
Here you’ll find the best resources to get started with DE products— from Getting Started Checklists to communication templates for your teachers. We know that students have the best outcomes when they use our products frequently, so consider this your first stop to ensure that teachers and students are well equipped to reap the benefits of your school’s partnership with us.
Getting Started
Check out these resources to get started with Discovery Education.
Getting Started with DE Checklist
Download this one-page checklist to get set up with DE products.
Teacher Communication Resources
Download these resources to communicate with teachers about Discovery Education.
Communication to Teachers Customizable Email Template
Customizable email templates to share DE products with teachers.
Introducing Discovery Education Experience
One-page flyer about Experience.
Introducing Discovery Education Science Techbook
One-page flyer about Science Techbook.
Introducing Discovery Education Social Studies Techbook
One-page flyer about Social Studies Techbook.
Introducing Mystery Science by Discovery Education
One-page flyer about Mystery Science.
Introducing Pivot Interactives by Discovery Education
One-page flyer about Pivot Interactives.
Teacher Getting Started Resources
Share these getting started resources with teachers.
Science Techbook K-5 Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Science Techbook 6-12 Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Science Techbook Modular Middle School Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Science Techbook Classic Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Social Studies Techbook Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Social Studies Techbook.
Math Techbook Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Math Techbook.
Mystery Science Quick Start Video
Log in and get started with Mystery Science.
Pivot Interactives Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Pivot Interactives.
Professional Development
Encourage product usage and growth through Discovery Education Professional Learning opportunities.
Professional Learning Flyer
Learn more about Professional Learning and how to provide it to your teachers.
Professional Learning Catalog
Explore available professional learning opportunities.
Contact Sales Team
Interested in finding out more about professional learning opportunities?
Teachers, Welcome to Discovery Education.
Here you’ll find the best resources to bring DE to your classroom and inspire curiosity in your students.
Getting Started
Use these resources to get started with Discovery Education.
Science Techbook K-5 Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Science Techbook 6-12 Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Science Techbook Modular Middle School Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Science Techbook Classic Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Science Techbook.
Social Studies Techbook Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Social Studies Techbook.
Math Techbook Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Math Techbook.
Mystery Science Quick Start Video
Log in and get started with Mystery Science.
Pivot Interactives Quick Start Guide
Log in and get started with Pivot Interactives.
Classroom Resources
Use these resources to engage your students by using Discovery Education in your classroom.
Summer Newsletter
Find new DE resources for exciting Summer learning!
May Newsletter
Make May learning fun with new learning resources from DE!
12 Days of VFTs
Use these Virtual Field Trips to let students play with polar bears, visit a genomics lab, explore cutting-edge technology, and more—all without leaving the classroom!
30 Ways to DE
Explore 30 ways you can use DE in your classroom!
Classroom Pack
Find printable classroom decor for your students.
Teacher Pack
Find 11x17 printable posters for the teacher workroom, copy room, or training space.