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Recognizing Quantity on a Quick Image: Up to 10 on the Math Rack

Using the familiar tool of a math rack to display various quantities from 1-10, students are briefly shown an image of an amount of beads and then asked to choose the number they saw on the numberline. “Quick Images” are an effective strategy to help students learn to conceptualize a number in a variety of ways. This helps students to use numbers flexibly, which is an important facet of number sense.
Math Kindergarten Recognizing Quantity on a Quick Image Up to 10 on the Math Rack

Representing Numbers to 20 in Two Different Ways on a Math Rack

With a math rack virtual manipulative, students learn that you can build the same number in several different ways, e.g., 10+3 = 7+6. Students can use a variety of strategies to solve these problems, including the commutative property (10+4 = 4+10), doubles or near doubles (10+4 = 7+7), and more.
Math Kindergarten Representing Numbers to 20 in Two Different Ways on a Math Rack

Representing Numbers to 10 on a Ten Frame and Identifying the Numeral

Virtual tools push students beyond counting by ones to using groups of 2, 3, 5, and 10. After successfully building numbers, students are given more “restrictions,” like building numbers from a number other than 0.
Math Kindergarten Representing Numbers to 10 on a Ten Frame and Identifying the Numeral
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Creating Equal Sums to 20 in Two Ways with Three Addends

Snap Blocks lessons let students build and evaluate expressions with multiple addends to build understanding of the equal sign. The difficulty is increased by the number of addends on each side of the equation.
Math First Grade Creating Equal Sums to 20 in Two Ways with Three Addends

Associated Addition Equations: Doubles and One More than the Double

Students use anchor equations with doubles to help them solve equations with one of the doubles and one more than the double.
Math First Grade Associated Addition Equations Doubles and One More than the Double

Using Tools to Explore the Measurement of Object Dimensions

Students’ exploration of measurement continues as they begin to measure the different dimensions of objects using non-standard tools. Using common classroom items as digital manipulatives to calculate the lengths and widths of objects, students also begin to understand that tools need to be rotated depending on the dimension being measured and that different sized tools are going to result in different measurements of the length and width.
Math First Grade Using Tools to Explore the Measurement of Object Dimensions
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How to Pack Cases

Students develop a conceptual understanding of place value up to the hundreds place by packing loose items into boxes of 10 and packing 10 boxes of 10 into crates.
Math Second Grade How to Pack Cases

Addition with a Compensation Strategy Using a Manipulative with Counters

Turn hard problems into “friendlier” problems by making one of the addends a multiple of 10. Students start with smaller 2-digit addends, and when they’re ready they use 3-digit addends. It’s an efficient mental math strategy.
Math Second Grade Addition with a Compensation Strategy Using a Manipulative with Counters

Associated Addition Equations: Adding a Multiple of 10 and Near Multiple of 10 on the Number Line

Students visualize making jumps on a number line and use a variety of strategies for both addition and subtraction. Strategies include “Making Jumps of 10” (e.g. 79+33 = 79+10+10+10+3) and “Using Landmark Numbers” (e.g. 79+33 = 79+1+20+10+2).
Math Second Grade Associated Addition Equations Adding a Multiple of 10 and Near Multiple of 10 on the Number Line
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One-Step Word Problems

Students build one-step equations using numbers and operators based on the information in a word problem, and then solve the equation.
Math Third Grade One Step Word Problems

Representing Products to 144 by Partial Products and Arrays

In a series of activities, a given rectangle is covered using smaller rectangles. As grid lines are removed, students work with open arrays. As rectangles are moved, students explore ideas in multiplication: distributive, associative, and commutative properties.
Math Third Grade Representing Products to 144 by Partial Products and Arrays

Marking and Labeling Fractions Between 0 and 2 on a Number Line

A number line representation ensures students can compare and order fractions apart from any specific part-whole context. Students use landmark fractions and numbers to place fractions on the number line from 0 to 1 and from 0 to 2.
Math Third Grade Marking and Labeling Fractions Between 0 and 2 on a Number Line
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Subtracting Fractions of Like Denominator Using Number Blocks

This lesson helps students think conceptually, not procedurally, about subtracting fractions by using the “removal” or “take away” strategy. This enables skill of subtracting mixed numbers and improper fractions fluently, mentally, and easily.
Math Fourth Grade Subtracting Fractions of Like Denominator Using Number Blocks

Division by Modeling Partial Quotients

Students solve division equations by creating friendly equations and slicing an array to see a visual of the division problem and to understand how and why the strategy of using partial quotients works.
Math Fourth Grade Division by Modeling Partial Quotients

Constructing Special Types of Triangles

Students create a specific type of triangle, utilizing knowledge from previous game set. Students construct different types of triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons, using a ruler and protractor to measure side lengths and angles.
Math Fourth Grade Constructing Special Types of Triangles
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Using Numbered Dials to Represent Numbers

Using dials as a digital manipulative and a tape-measure and odometer as a visual aid, students develop a conceptual understanding of what place values mean in relation to each other, on the right and left sides of a decimal.
Math Fifth Grade Using Numbered Dials to Represent Numbers

Complete the Multiplication Algorithm with Multiplier up to 99: Step-by-Step Guidance

Students work on multiplying multi-digit numbers with multipliers up to 99 using the standard algorithm in a step-by-step method with guidance.
Math Fifth Grade Complete the Multiplication Algorithm with Multiplier up to 99 Step by Step Guidance

Adding Fractions with any Unlike Denominators Using Money, Time, or an Open Context on a Bar Model

Students add fractions with unlike denominators using money, time, or an open bar model as context. With these contexts, they are able to use familiar contexts and visuals to help them find a common multiple of the denominators in order to add them together.
Math Fifth Grade Adding Fractions with any Unlike Denominators Using Money Time or an Open Context on a Bar Model
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Partial Products with Arrays to the Tenths Place with One Variable

Students use partial products as a strategy for solving equations that require the distributive property.
Math Sixth Grade Partial Products with Arrays to the Tenths Place with One Variable

Defining the Origin and Determining Coordinates of Points

Students define and use a Cartesian coordinate grid to locate points and measure distances between points.
Math Sixth Grade Defining the Origin and Determining Coordinates of Points

Using 180 Degree Relationships to Determine Angle Measurement to a Given Target

Students deepen understanding of angle measurement and rotation while fluently reasoning about and using supplementary and vertical angle relationships. Students use deductive reasoning to make rotations, aim for targets, and determine angle measurements.
Math Sixth Grade Partial Products with Arrays to the Tenths Place with One Variable
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Constructing Similar Polygons Using Fractional and Whole Number Scale Factors

Students are given a shape with marked angles and side lengths, then asked to create a new shape using scale factor by constructing different types of triangles, quadrilaterals, regular polygons, and scaled polygons.
Math Seventh Grade Constructing Similar Polygons Using Fractional and Whole Number Scale Factors

Using Order of Operations with Division and Multiplication to Create an Expression Equal to a Given Value

Students use the order of operations to evaluate integer expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Math Seventh Grade Using Order of Operations with Division and Multiplication to Create an Expression Equal to a Given Value

Identifying the Value of a Variable in an Equation Including the Four Basic Operations

The student selects amongst the four operations to simplify an expression in a valid order, to determine the value for the variable that makes the equation true.
Math Seventh Grade Identifying the Value of a Variable in an Equation Including the Four Basic Operations
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Reflecting Figures Across Either the X-Axis or Y-Axis

Students use coordinates to set the line of reflection for the given shape in order to get it to reflect to a specific spot on the coordinate grid.
Math Eighth Grade Reflecting Figures Across Either the X Axis or Y Axis

Using Coordinates from a Table to Define a Linear Function Equation with Positive Rate of Change

Students interpret the equation y = mx+b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line.
Math Eighth Grade Using Coordinates from a Table to Define a Linear Function Equation with Positive Rate of Change

Identifying the Rate of Change Between Two Points on a Line Segment

Students determine the rate of change from two (x,y) values, including reading these from a table or from a graph.
Math Eighth Grade Identifying the Rate of Change Between Two Points on a Line Segment
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Recognizing Quantity on a Quick Image: Up to 10 on the Math Rack

Using the familiar tool of a math rack to display various quantities from 1-10, students are briefly shown an image of an amount of beads and then asked to choose the number they saw on the numberline. “Quick Images” are an effective strategy to help students learn to conceptualize a number in a variety of ways. This helps students to use numbers flexibly, which is an important facet of number sense.
Math Kindergarten Recognizing Quantity on a Quick Image Up to 10 on the Math Rack

Representing Numbers to 20 in Two Different Ways on a Math Rack

With a math rack virtual manipulative, students learn that you can build the same number in several different ways, e.g., 10+3 = 7+6. Students can use a variety of strategies to solve these problems, including the commutative property (10+4 = 4+10), doubles or near doubles (10+4 = 7+7), and more.
Math Kindergarten Representing Numbers to 20 in Two Different Ways on a Math Rack

Representing Numbers to 10 on a Ten Frame and Identifying the Numeral

Virtual tools push students beyond counting by ones to using groups of 2, 3, 5, and 10. After successfully building numbers, students are given more “restrictions,” like building numbers from a number other than 0.
Math Kindergarten Representing Numbers to 10 on a Ten Frame and Identifying the Numeral
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Creating Equal Sums to 20 in Two Ways with Three Addends

Snap Blocks lessons let students build and evaluate expressions with multiple addends to build understanding of the equal sign. The difficulty is increased by the number of addends on each side of the equation.
Math First Grade Creating Equal Sums to 20 in Two Ways with Three Addends

Associated Addition Equations: Doubles and One More than the Double

Students use anchor equations with doubles to help them solve equations with one of the doubles and one more than the double.
Math First Grade Associated Addition Equations Doubles and One More than the Double

Using Tools to Explore the Measurement of Object Dimensions

Students’ exploration of measurement continues as they begin to measure the different dimensions of objects using non-standard tools. Using common classroom items as digital manipulatives to calculate the lengths and widths of objects, students also begin to understand that tools need to be rotated depending on the dimension being measured and that different sized tools are going to result in different measurements of the length and width.
Math First Grade Using Tools to Explore the Measurement of Object Dimensions
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How to Pack Cases

Students develop a conceptual understanding of place value up to the hundreds place by packing loose items into boxes of 10 and packing 10 boxes of 10 into crates.
Math Second Grade How to Pack Cases

Addition with a Compensation Strategy Using a Manipulative with Counters

Turn hard problems into “friendlier” problems by making one of the addends a multiple of 10. Students start with smaller 2-digit addends, and when they’re ready they use 3-digit addends. It’s an efficient mental math strategy.
Math Second Grade Addition with a Compensation Strategy Using a Manipulative with Counters

Associated Addition Equations: Adding a Multiple of 10 and Near Multiple of 10 on the Number Line

Students visualize making jumps on a number line and use a variety of strategies for both addition and subtraction. Strategies include “Making Jumps of 10” (e.g. 79+33 = 79+10+10+10+3) and “Using Landmark Numbers” (e.g. 79+33 = 79+1+20+10+2).
Math Second Grade Associated Addition Equations Adding a Multiple of 10 and Near Multiple of 10 on the Number Line
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One-Step Word Problems

Students build one-step equations using numbers and operators based on the information in a word problem, and then solve the equation.
Math Third Grade One Step Word Problems

Representing Products to 144 by Partial Products and Arrays

In a series of activities, a given rectangle is covered using smaller rectangles. As grid lines are removed, students work with open arrays. As rectangles are moved, students explore ideas in multiplication: distributive, associative, and commutative properties.
Math Third Grade Representing Products to 144 by Partial Products and Arrays

Marking and Labeling Fractions Between 0 and 2 on a Number Line

A number line representation ensures students can compare and order fractions apart from any specific part-whole context. Students use landmark fractions and numbers to place fractions on the number line from 0 to 1 and from 0 to 2.
Math Third Grade Marking and Labeling Fractions Between 0 and 2 on a Number Line
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Subtracting Fractions of Like Denominator Using Number Blocks

This lesson helps students think conceptually, not procedurally, about subtracting fractions by using the “removal” or “take away” strategy. This enables skill of subtracting mixed numbers and improper fractions fluently, mentally, and easily.
Math Fourth Grade Subtracting Fractions of Like Denominator Using Number Blocks

Division by Modeling Partial Quotients

Students solve division equations by creating friendly equations and slicing an array to see a visual of the division problem and to understand how and why the strategy of using partial quotients works.
Math Fourth Grade Division by Modeling Partial Quotients

Constructing Special Types of Triangles

Students create a specific type of triangle, utilizing knowledge from previous game set. Students construct different types of triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons, using a ruler and protractor to measure side lengths and angles.
Math Fourth Grade Constructing Special Types of Triangles
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Using Numbered Dials to Represent Numbers

Using dials as a digital manipulative and a tape-measure and odometer as a visual aid, students develop a conceptual understanding of what place values mean in relation to each other, on the right and left sides of a decimal.
Math Fifth Grade Using Numbered Dials to Represent Numbers

Complete the Multiplication Algorithm with Multiplier up to 99: Step-by-Step Guidance

Students work on multiplying multi-digit numbers with multipliers up to 99 using the standard algorithm in a step-by-step method with guidance.
Math Fifth Grade Complete the Multiplication Algorithm with Multiplier up to 99 Step by Step Guidance

Adding Fractions with any Unlike Denominators Using Money, Time, or an Open Context on a Bar Model

Students add fractions with unlike denominators using money, time, or an open bar model as context. With these contexts, they are able to use familiar contexts and visuals to help them find a common multiple of the denominators in order to add them together.
Math Fifth Grade Adding Fractions with any Unlike Denominators Using Money Time or an Open Context on a Bar Model
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Partial Products with Arrays to the Tenths Place with One Variable

Students use partial products as a strategy for solving equations that require the distributive property.
Math Sixth Grade Partial Products with Arrays to the Tenths Place with One Variable

Defining the Origin and Determining Coordinates of Points

Students define and use a Cartesian coordinate grid to locate points and measure distances between points.
Math Sixth Grade Defining the Origin and Determining Coordinates of Points

Using 180 Degree Relationships to Determine Angle Measurement to a Given Target

Students deepen understanding of angle measurement and rotation while fluently reasoning about and using supplementary and vertical angle relationships. Students use deductive reasoning to make rotations, aim for targets, and determine angle measurements.
Math Sixth Grade Partial Products with Arrays to the Tenths Place with One Variable
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Constructing Similar Polygons Using Fractional and Whole Number Scale Factors

Students are given a shape with marked angles and side lengths, then asked to create a new shape using scale factor by constructing different types of triangles, quadrilaterals, regular polygons, and scaled polygons.
Math Seventh Grade Constructing Similar Polygons Using Fractional and Whole Number Scale Factors

Using Order of Operations with Division and Multiplication to Create an Expression Equal to a Given Value

Students use the order of operations to evaluate integer expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Math Seventh Grade Using Order of Operations with Division and Multiplication to Create an Expression Equal to a Given Value

Identifying the Value of a Variable in an Equation Including the Four Basic Operations

The student selects amongst the four operations to simplify an expression in a valid order, to determine the value for the variable that makes the equation true.
Math Seventh Grade Identifying the Value of a Variable in an Equation Including the Four Basic Operations
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Reflecting Figures Across Either the X-Axis or Y-Axis

Students use coordinates to set the line of reflection for the given shape in order to get it to reflect to a specific spot on the coordinate grid.
Math Eighth Grade Reflecting Figures Across Either the X Axis or Y Axis

Using Coordinates from a Table to Define a Linear Function Equation with Positive Rate of Change

Students interpret the equation y = mx+b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line.
Math Eighth Grade Using Coordinates from a Table to Define a Linear Function Equation with Positive Rate of Change

Identifying the Rate of Change Between Two Points on a Line Segment

Students determine the rate of change from two (x,y) values, including reading these from a table or from a graph.
Math Eighth Grade Identifying the Rate of Change Between Two Points on a Line Segment